hey there hey there.
my rmit application has been accepted and am wondering just how busy will i be when the time arrives. the curiculum effectively starts on jan 3 and i have lessons on 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18. on the bright side,it assures me of not being too free and maybe, just maybe like wat ed mentioned, i'll love my classmates? maybe i'll have classmates like fiona or yvonne? woot, am just wondering how im gonna embrace it within my stride. not the ladies, but the schedule.
well, as the saying goes in chinese (shi jian shi zhao cu lai de, bu shi shuo mei you de) and literally it means "time is find one, not say dun have one" yup yup, this aligns the mindset for the next 2 years. at least i still have the weekends off, 2 days marked as personal.
the festive season is round the corner and its time to recollect wats been happening for this past year and maybe set a few resolutions for the upcoming one. i nv used to set such targets, but then, it dosen harm right.
the first on my list - strike some toto. the express ticket out of proverty and out of the ghetto. the fastest and maybe the cheapest way to land a million.
posted by ikaira @ 3:16 PM,