to those that do not know, i've decided to take up a part time degree at sim, econs and finance from RMIT, some australia degree.

its a step to catch up with the elites for i know im not capable to get into elite school. i'll be able to graduate way before them and catch up with them in terms of experience and time... hopefully this master plan works out just as planned.

not that i blame them, but i do wonder wat would turn out of me if i have parents who know more about the world, more about the trends and viability of this degree or that degree, this industry or that or simply just how the world turns. instead, im left to run, wander, to trail and error. ppl say this is the hard way and when u trully achieve, u gained it by ur own efforts, with ur own sweat. but there are others who have a much better time using lesser effort acheiving the same results

sometimes we see elites getting stuffs so easily, everything is a bed of roses for them, things just come naturally, they just arrive at their doorstep.

but is it actually tt gd being an elite? always conform to elite's standard, appeareance, ettiquote.

could an elite actually be a heartlander? if tt ever happens, wouldnt he have numerous masks? one for the heart land friends, one for the corporate world, one for the heartlander or elite lady that caught his fancy, one for the ladies' parents.

dun we all wear masks? perfection is when the masks are so well hidden that the public eye only sees your face thou ur wearing it.

sales man and network marketers i salute u.

posted by ikaira @ 10:51 AM,


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