apparently, i missed out on the prized asset. as the saying goes in hokkien "bo he, hae ma ho"(no fish, prawn is good as well). in my desperate attempts to out run the crowd, i failed, missed out slightly on paper, but deep down, its the desire that lost. my fire is just like a mid autumn festival lantern fire, burned for one strong night. while the others is like the indonesia haze. so strong and steady that even the neighboring countries felt the effects of smoky eyes and shriking lungs.

man, i should start running the distant, clock the mileage. i am missing on way too much stuff in the golden years.

anyway, the point is i bag the best in field operations, and there is a pluck for it.

sometimes, its this kind of pleasant surprizes that made life ain that hard, making going tru national service so much easier.

posted by ikaira @ 9:33 AM,


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