Just caught 'The Bucket List' again on HBO. Great movie definitely... always, and i mean every single freaking time it touches the weakest spot in people... argh another love hate relationship. Love to watch such shows becos its that damn great, but hate it absolutely becos i do not have a single ounce of control over my own emotions. it sucks even more the show schedule is set by the TV stations who could be anyone under the sun planning all the which shows to cast, it could an old fart who've seen tru 80% of life or maybe a young punk who've just graduated. Its really up to the TV station to decide : "its time to screw with theer's emotion again"
You may say I do have a choice of not watching, switching to other channels, totally off the tv yada yada... but why the show is that great is becos u cant bear to turn away, u get glued to it right from the start till end.
The truth is I cant bear to be to 'touched' over and over again, not that I cannot take it, its like when it comes, it comes, you cant do anything about it anyway.
but deep down its that I dun want to, maybe that goes to show why certain things happen certain way.
posted by ikaira @ 12:29 PM,