New Destinations
Sunday, September 20, 2009
As the projects on hand got operational and running automatic, things have more or less gotten back to normal(regression to the norm?), and this leaves me a little unbalanced. Have not been sleeping well the pass 2 weeks due to the project, constantly being bombarded by the boss to get this ready or that sent over. Thats basically wats happening if you haven seen me around.
anyway im doing my reservist now and was told to attend ippt. I managed to postponed it and thus came a new thought. Since theres lesser things on my mind now and things are so much clearer than before, i had just set a new destination to reach.
the 2 high priority on my list now
1. I wanna get ippt silver, if not gold
2. Repay all my motorcycle debts
posted by ikaira @ 11:11 AM,