finally, someones standing out to clear the mess. not that it was heroic, it was just necessary becos and wat a mess it was, and guess who started it?
as always, its until the dire moments before some solutions are being formed, cos if its not serious enough, no one will do shit or give a shit. to think about it, its not even a solution, its just like a 4D ticket, hoping to get it right, solution straight from the text book, nothing really tangible or spectacular.
and pls stop giving the world a hard time with all ur dreamy ideas and assumptions. apparently it has always been proven wrong ranging from the war, to budget deficit and now the subprime
instead we should really start thinking about Asia. let Asia call the shots. let it be here, let the decision making lie with ppl who do not make uncertain decisions, with ppl having a wife and kids back at home that they so wanna protect, with ppl who dare to make the weirdest calls or strangest decisions which from time to time have proven right and exceptional.
ranging from public housing, to education, to basic hygiene, to security, to governance, bribery, racial cohesion, transportation, so much so much that seems from Pandora's box are proven right and people enjoying these benefits.
someday, maybe in 40 yrs Singapore will reign.
just imagine how much we've grown since independence 43 yrs ago. just give it another 43 and we shall see.
we shall see.
posted by ikaira @ 1:34 AM,