the older u get, the more problems u have, the more complicated things are. but with maturity that comes with age( or so called presumed) arn adults suppose to handle all those problems with their maturity and wisdom?
what is maturity?
sounds like just being on the safe side where most of the ppl are at. not being outcasted by them and doing wat they are doing, (in the first place, do they themselves know what they are doing, arn they just presumming wat they are doing is correct)
so does maturity really comes with age?
dun think so. if one is a bird, maturity would be a cage. a cage which restricts the birds movements. not being allowed to do what it wants to do. always being controlled, limited to an invisible cage formed by who? (your own self? nar dun think so. society? general public?) who exactly? nobody knows.
whose mature?
to me i think its babies, adolences, teenagers. why? they are not restricted, they dun see why the point of doing this and that, so they do it their way. they are limitless. unlimited creativity, own style of way slowly being shaped by environment, by society where thier consent was nv given. this cage is forcefully put on them, without them actually noticing it.
the courage to breakaway. live my life i wan it to be. my way, my style. let me be coloured, let me dun care. let me stay true to no one but myself
posted by ikaira @ 1:54 AM,