Everything is inter-related. Everything.
So be careful, be wary, and never be too sure cos
The loss and suffering will never be equally matched by guilt and regret.
posted by ikaira @ 10:19 AM,
Everything is inter-related. Everything.
So be careful, be wary, and never be too sure cos
The loss and suffering will never be equally matched by guilt and regret.
posted by ikaira @ 10:19 AM,
someday ... someday maybe i finally will...
find wats my aim in life.
not now, definatly not, cos theres too much distractions which i cant throw aside.
maybe sometime after i attained some financial independence, for thats all matters in the head.
if u wanna know wat hit me, take a peek here
Captain Budy was my host in West Timor, a captain pilot, an orphanage founder, a father of 3, now whole-heartedly into helping the kids and situation in West Timor.
something i like very much:
Praise The Lord it hit Peggy not others ( local people).The local have been in the suffering through out their life and still do not know how to cure their situation
ignorance is bliss?
posted by ikaira @ 8:47 PM,
Its pre-christmas, christmas-eve to be exact and I have no mood to work. Since my 1 week exam leave, I haven found the drive to work, theres this tingling voice constantly asking:
”when is the next long week” and if there isn any, I’ll be thinking
“maybe I should create another long weekend”.
Maybe this is the hardwork paying off, for the seeds that I sowed reaped benefits but hope this doesn’t continue, cos its bad for health, especially when I yet to enter the dog eat dog world.
Anyway… speaking of dog eat dog world.
The company sent me for a course a few weeks back, and I recalled this
“money is the motivation of everything”
actually that statement came from me when being told to do a brainstorm about whys and why nots.
Isn that obviously true, if we had money, would we care to work? dun tell me its for personal growth, no doubt it helps one to grow, but truth be told, tts not the main point you go to work, fame and recognition would sound more of a logical choice.
We would also have 90% less problems with WAGs, not to mention that reports have been mounting that Singaporeans are most afraid of not having enough money to retire with.
If everyone is rich, there wun be dogs eating dogs out there, well, there is always the bell-shaped curve, that’s why we have averages and extremes.
Yet, most of the time, money go to people who dun want it that badly, they go to them becos of an interesting idea, yet to be tried before concept. For they say, courage and bravery will be rewarded.
If only money could be achieved with a set of guidelines, like education, if you pass pri 1, ur go to pri 2 and so on.
btw, im saying filthy rich, not those doctor or lawyer kind of rich.
Maybe till then that may we finally be ale to appreciate the finer things in life.
Till then, a Merry Christmas and a fruitful 2008 to come
posted by ikaira @ 9:26 AM,
If we ever had a convo on wat to do after ord? im sure you know where im heading, or want to head.
2 days ago, the lady asked a question” wat if u nv get into GIC”. This question has been cropping my mind since.
Truth be told, I really have no idea.
I have always thought that would be my destination, where I wanna work, but wat if naysayers be right?
I’m no pessimist, but my cv ain fantastic, just average.
Should I get experience getting into relevant companies first?
Should I go for contract jobs where I can clear my mind and cement which route I wanna head?
Should I just go for the highest paying one?
Well, well, well
Anyway, the third choice brights me to this idea that those late 20s darker skinned riders from MacDelivery, KFC or Pizzahut ain low educated, lousy nor useless, they might actually be relaxing, waiting for their opportunity?
Ha, but I think im wrong and I hope so too.
posted by ikaira @ 12:05 PM,
With the festive season coming, Christmas…. New year…. Chinese new year… valentines day…. Good Friday…. Labour day…..
ORD loh.
posted by ikaira @ 4:08 PM,
Dad’s just a call away for Jenna Bush
UNITED STATES President George W. Bush may be occupied with global security issues, but his daughter Jenna showed during a taping of a talk show that her father is just a phone call away.
While appearing on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show to promote her new book Ana’s Story: A Journey Of Hope, DeGeneres jokingly asked Ms Bush to call her parents.
“they are going to kill me,” the 26 year old daughter of Mr. Bush nervously told her during the taping on Tuesday. :I am going to be in so much trouble.”
DeGeneres replied: “No, they are going to be thrilled. Why wouldn’t they want to say “hi” to everybody and say Merry Christmas?”
All was well, through, when Mr. Bush reached them on a speakerphone.
“I am just sitting her with Daddy,” Mrs. Laura Bush told her daughter, to which DeGeneres chimed in:”Oh hey! It’s Ellen. I wanted to say “hi” to Daddy/”
So the President got on the line:” How is my little girl doing?”
“Oh, she is great. She is scared she is going to get in trouble because I just said, “is it easy to just pick up the phone and call your dad any time?”” DeGeneres said.
“And now she is scared she is not going to get any Christmas presents.”
Mr. Bush said he was not angry. “I do want to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to your audience, and I want to tell my little girl I love her,” the President said.
caught the above in today's strait times. sometimes we are so into work and the process of accumulating wealth that we might actually forgotten the purpose of it. some might do it for recognition, presteige, to buy hi-tech toys, repayment of the house or car. in the process of doing so, we're damaging something we try so hard to protect.
posted by ikaira @ 11:07 AM,
woot, the festive season is here again, where did November went?
with the help of certain events, November flew past in a twitch, yesterday felt like pay day.
Thanks to Asean Summit, which i mc-ed 2 days out of the 5 days of deployment, our generous CP rewarded us with 2 days of leave for a job well done. Mc 2 day and get 2 additional 2 free days, sometime ns rewards you when u least expect it, its always like that isn it.
but but but, the MCs were all legitamate, I was really sick due to the rain and shine, thou reporting sick would mean leaving 2 others to fend for themselves but with the company of "priestess of the moon" and "geomancer", to take or not to take dosen seem such a hard choice after all.
So, with 5 months left, everything seems to finally take off while falling into place, and i should start touching up my resume, picking up the differently designed yet standardized uniforms and anticipate the life beyond...
vividly but surely im feeling a little control rolling back in my hands, control of my destiny that is.
posted by ikaira @ 10:24 PM,