24 hrs away

24 hrs away.

i'll be flying off to india tml night. nv did i felt time passed as fast as tis period. from 1 mths, to 1 day left.

from the 1 mth to 1 day i have left. i have chosen to do different things, be it farewell parties to preparing myself for the trip, useful stuffs to time wasting chores.

isn tis just like life? u can choose to become a better person or just a person. both live a life anyway.

*living my life*

posted by ikaira @ 9:25 AM, ,

an aquarius at thought

an aquarius at thought

just have been wondering if like is a schdule which we have to go through. maybe our life, thou how slow or fast u want it to move or is already is, is just a thing tt u needa do and go through out of ur master schedule.

slow could be like choosing and doing the stuffs u wanna do each day, the nitty gritty details from wanna watch tv, which channel to wat to eat daily. (the feeling of destiny is in your control, u choose ur path)

fast to be always looking back at wateva age we are, it always seemed so far and long ago that we have grown. maybe the next time we looked back, we might be holding babies in our arms and fighting to furfuil our financial commitments.

thank you all for the farewell party my beloved classmates, as well as jerry

presenting to u the 7 belles and 2 gentlemen

posted by ikaira @ 9:18 PM, ,

4 more days

hello all, 4 more days to go.

just wondering, just just wondering...

will ppl be missing mi when im gone? how would i know? by sneezing ar? den i hope i have flu my whole time there.

will i leave a legacy when im gone?

(legacy seems too strong a word especially when im a low-profile person)

posted by ikaira @ 10:19 PM, ,


As most of ur know im leaving for india in 9 days time, tis entry is decitated for my very own viewing pleasure while im in india. these are some basic stuff we have in our daily environment but i guess india wun be the same. here are some photos of how i spend most of my time at home. i guess i'll enjoy my surrounding and country better when im back.

my very first name card. woo. but theres more questions surrounding it.

i've nv presented my personnal namecard to anyone before, how should i do it? should i look the person in the eye or should i give it with a slight bow with eyes focused at the floor? when should i give my name card, upfront upon first meeting or when we're slightly introduced?

goodbye to my table and computer. i'll miss both of ur when im in india, espcially the times when we're dota-ing, msn chatting, doing projects, so many many more.

my bed!!! my pillow! my bolster! my quilt!

totally agree with the saying "nowhere's bed is as gd as home's"

im gonna miss my soccer. dun u think soccer is simply wonderful? the guy who invented tis sport must have went to heaven. gone will be the days of meeting 9am but reaching at 930.

maybe i'll learn to play cricket. who knows

*reminiscence in the making*

posted by ikaira @ 8:40 PM, ,

the new bet

the bet

cooking a meal V.S buying all the mineral waters required

dateline at 3P.M sharp

venue at TTC

posted by ikaira @ 3:15 AM, ,

2 wks down the road

2 weeks down the road and i'll be on my way to indian soil.

im wondering wat would a death sentenced prisioner be thinking about? i guess my circumstances ain no different from him.

to the prisoner, although he may be going to die, he might end up in heaven? or hell? who knows. isn his situation about the same as mine? both of us dunno wat to expect, who we might meet or wat we will be doing there.

maybe he'll meet up with lucifer and make gd frens with him? maybe or just maybe, he might be fighting orcs with legolas? haha. even more amazing, he might be with keanu fighting against robots.

the question is why are we expecting so much? expecting everything to be perfect, things cannot go wrong or go unplanned. expecting gd salaries, drive cars, condos, credit cards. when things go wrong, we be sad, we be angry. is this the supossedly following emotions?

could it be becos of the country we're living in? i guess highly so. onli ppl who live in gd countries, ppl like us would blog. would kids or teenagers from third world countries blog?

tormented minds in this tormented world

posted by ikaira @ 7:16 AM, ,

step by step

two weeks awae from breathing the first lungful of indian air.

woo. i've finally got my future 11 wks figured out,
finally being pointed in the right direction,
at least 2 wks of directions are being provided

how has things turned out in this way?
life sure has some surprises hidden in the corner of somewhere.

1. firstly, my motive - to check out the world, to have fun, to be outta spore since we'll be working anyway, might as well work outside spore (working in local soil doesn realli appeal yea), treat it as a holiday as the attachment is onli 11 wks. did i mention that the fees where quite reasonable compared to those of france, negocia, nice or germany? a whopping 11k compared to a mere 2k? lol, i'll still be paid there. haha! rumoured to be 7500 rupees

2. followed the structure, sent the resume and wrote up a write up for "why should i be chosen for oipp". testing our crapping skills eh? everyone's just wanna have hell lotta fun right. the worst case would be those nerds thinking of a better resume having overseas attachment in it. lucky it was only 300 words. for those who dunno about wat i wrote, i simply imagined a limitless future. with setting up business ar, dun see myself in the country in future ar, too much crap, either an idiot or....

3. the interview. i even corrected my judge's view. heres how it went.
he asked "if u were to go to india, where would u wanna go?"
i said "dehli or bombay"(cos its the only freeking place i know about india, other den the pratas and coconut tree dances) i followed it up with stuffs like more modern- more spore like.

heres the main part
he asked "wouldnt u rather set up ur resturant in poorer or less modern cities as there is huge competition with established brands and reknowned companies?"
answered"i think thats a lack of confidence, if i were to make it out in a big city, im sure i can do it well, or even better in the rural areas"
other judges started to chip in about the analogy of big fish in small river and small fish in big sea.

4. tts it. one moment of daringness or foolishness, im in. i wonder how they judged too. jus an interview, not much about independence, attitute, character, so on.....

5. after months of waiting, i finally got details. im going to chennai, together with jia rui. both of us being attached to taj coromandel hotel. its a five star hotel eh. but we have individual projects for us to do. btw, mine is "costing based model on banquet in terms of profitability" woo. wats tt. haha

6. im leaving on the 30th, farewell my beloved friends. for some, i cant wait for good bye, but for those close to the soul, its cya.

posted by ikaira @ 6:40 AM, ,

apple apple

apple, just for u.

pls sing according to the tune of twinkle twinkle star
lady lady dun u cry,
sad and anger will go by,
with the knowledge gained inside,
fun and laughter will revive,
lady lady dun u cry,
hand in hand, it will be fine

boss, dun be sad. one step by the time, "xian ku hou tian", must go tru some hardship before u fly up as a phoniex right. im sure u got the qualities they require, if not, why would such a big organization want u and specifically u??? (even mei juan cant get in)

if ur not laughing by now, lets sing again,
twinkle twinkle little star...

posted by ikaira @ 6:30 PM, ,

24hrs time

in 24 hrs time,

i'll be sitting in a honda, turning and braking according to the ass beside my - im having my first car tp. the oppotunity have finally come to add that few sentences behind the card.

but im not feeling anxious nor afriad. practically feeling-less. hopefully tis is a sign of confidence to pass.

could the india trip overshadowed all other stuffs? claimed ownership of all my energy.

*life to be re-owned*

*sleeping ability have finally been bestowed upon me*

posted by ikaira @ 2:10 AM, ,


hi there, as promised. for your enjoyment patricia sam mei juan

posted by ikaira @ 6:38 AM, ,


When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown..

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.......
You'll never walk alone.

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.......
You'll never walk alone.

posted by ikaira @ 7:37 AM, ,

happy birthday spore

happy birthday singapore.

today marking the 40th year you have been borned. have u grown after every year of celebration, have i grown with each subsequent year?

year by year, birthdays come and pass, was there ani importance? to mark the birth of someone? or to benchmark how a year has past? to review and realise how did the year progressed and how it shaped a being.

oh, im 20 years old le, i should find a good job and climb the coporate ladder and progress into society....

oh im 25 yrs old le, should find a partner and settle down before i lose my appeal.....

oh im 30yrs old le, should give my grandparents an offspring to have fun with if not i might be too old to do it....

oh, im 50yrs old le, its time to write my will, if not the government will have a share of my hard earned money...

its tis a plan, a guide to follow? a norm? who created such a mentality which roots grew so deep that it became a norm. wheres the dare to dream mentality, dare to be different? are we too protected and always stay corrected? by laws, the prison? by parents, the cane? by boundaries? or by own's ability?

how do you quantify growth? height? weight? age? size? number of ex-lovers? does age matter, does number realli matter?

happy birthday singapore

posted by ikaira @ 4:52 PM, ,

Old Farts or Young Punks

young punks or old farts...

in the business world, the best solution would be grouping both or simply not choosing either or as recommended by vincent chia in http://www.oaktree-research.com/content/view/185/1/

but in reality, we are both.

when do u call urself an old fart. when do u qualify for requirements to join the old fart club? during our childhoods, are we considered to be yong punks? but when comparing children to toddlers, we would be called an old fart.

wat makes u and old fart or a young punk? i guess its the trend and the environment which shaped each and everyone, which in turn allowed us to be viewed in different aspects as a young punk or and old fart.

when in teenage years, the "in" thing was the sharp combs, long wallets, unbuttoned shirts and rugged shoes. but a few years later, would u dare to wear a rugged shoe out in the streets? or carry a sharp comb visibly shown?

fatty has worked in pastamania for 3 yrs by now, and in his company, industry and also his resume, wow... that would be 3yrs of relevant industrial experience. not bad right. but wat are his boundaries? only limited in the tiny pastamania company? would he be as highly rated as in pastamania compared to global benchmarks like the hotel industries or service industries?

so wat is being considered of him? i guess it would just be young and fat

shaped by our environment? or own choices? or simple destiny or fate?

if einstein were to be borned in spore, i guess he would be a flop. his studies were poor and in the spore eduational system, he would be in em3 and so on and so for(not discriminating em3 but nowhere near where he is today)

so would you want to be a young punk or an old fart?

posted by ikaira @ 5:15 PM, ,

young fart

i shall be a young fart in making money! be it on soccer, shares or anithing.

show me a trend i can lead

show me a dream i can feel

give me a path i dare to take

guide mi with the concience i uphold

give me the guts i dare show

give me a test to prove

posted by ikaira @ 5:05 PM, ,

would you trade places with me?

Hi there, im the small oasis, the one u are seeing in the background.

Ever wondered how it feels to be in this kinda situation? Being the only one here? People just come and go and never pay any attention to? Standing here in rain or shine without fail with no shelter and nowhere to hide.

Have u noticed the poking torns below me? I've named them "mask". They were not there when i was borned, but as i start to mature out of innocence and blend into society,( in my case, its the white desert), they just appeared and began to grow longer and sharper.

In my toddler days, i had a friend called "happiness". He was always by my side, roaming around in the sand, but whenever i called for him, he was there. He would rush by with the fastest speed and hug me with all his might. Althought he was the only friend that I had, we were happy together, living without worries. Simply happy.

As i grew, i meet more people like "arrogance", "proudness" and "selfishness". The funny thing was that torns started to appear when i befriended these people. And when our relationship progressed, the torns started to grow even more.

This new bunch of friends showed me lots of stuff and brought me to places i have never been before, bringing me to visit "humanity",(we even had tea together), showed my how "lucifer" plyed his trade. But, everyday which me and my new friends met up, the torns started to grow longer by the inch and sharper by the cut.

While most of my time were being spent with my new found friends, i began to distant "happiness". Although feeling neglected, he would always follow my footsteps, a distant away so that i would not notice his precense. He would be observing my well-being, but to be exact, the torns which began to grow longer and longer.

Although i had fun with my new found friends, ultimately i was not happy, for happiness was not by my side, or at least not as close as before.

I called for him liked i always used to. As he approached, the nearest he could come was an arm's length beside. The torns which were growing when i was merrying away had grown too long and sharp for him to come any nearer.

The torns which had grown unnoticed had formed a boundary, a protective barrier, keeping everyone who wants to enter an arm's length away. Soon, it formed a mask, for everyone to see and judge before being able to see the real oasis as itself.

posted by ikaira @ 8:36 PM, ,

if i could, i would
if u wasted time, just gotta live with it
chances come and go, its up to u to catch it
if u catch it while it fell, ur just lucky
if u didnt catch it when it fell, the chance is lost
is it realli meant to be caught, or its just a fake
if u anticipated it, would u put faith in it
if it didnt turn out as u anticipated, wat would become of u
if u would be judged by it, would u be happy of its representations

wats this all about

posted by ikaira @ 6:03 PM, ,

a new begginning

for a start, this is the person who helped setting the whole blog up.

presenting to ur the very helpful, ever-free, self-proclaimed prettiest on earth patricia sam mei juan.

posted by ikaira @ 5:44 PM, ,