Seeing you happily smiling makes me reminisce our good times. ☺

posted by ikaira @ 8:34 AM, ,

Maybe its time

Maybe i should let you go and move on with life.

I needa find my own happiness too; even if I may not be able to find it with you.

Slowly, one step by one step; a day by a day

posted by ikaira @ 3:21 AM, ,

Maybe at a different time, we could be together

as much as its always said


posted by ikaira @ 11:42 PM, ,


You are the best i'll never have.

I wish you well, and hopefully our paths will once again trek together.

posted by ikaira @ 2:43 PM, ,


oh god, i did something terrible and i hate myself now.

posted by ikaira @ 12:28 AM, ,

Irrational logic

I'm waiting for a call that will never come. Irrational logic to keep on waiting, but I'll take my chances with that; better that den straight out no.

Left Brain says to move on, right brain doesn't want too, really don't want to.

posted by ikaira @ 12:06 AM, ,


Sad case of my love life.

posted by ikaira @ 9:22 PM, ,


On hindsight, did I jumped the gun?

or there was never something to begin with, i had placed all my eggs in a basket; where there is no basket to begin with?

self-conceived; self-embraced; self-denied?

posted by ikaira @ 1:24 PM, ,